How To Create a "Book of Light" Practice in 3 Easy Steps


As someone with a full time work and full time school schedule, one can find themselves needing a routine that allows one to maintain self care as well as a connection to their core self, while not adding on to an already overwhelming responsibility load. Solutions need to be something quick, that can fit into any routine, and be flexible if necessary. Maximizing the benefits of daily habits and routines is one way to glean even more from life’s experience. One simple lifestyle habit one might consider or be curious about trying is the “Book of Light” journaling practice mentioned here on this blog. This is blog author Zarriah’s personal 3-step daily journaling prompt, which incorporates gratitude, compassion, and goal setting in a simple way that can be fit into even hectic lifestyles. Therefore, the "Book of Light" practiced was designed to be realistic enough to implement for anyone. 

This method was originally created to counteract thoughts one’s mind might send telling them that no more good things are coming, or the future holds only despair.  By taking notice of things that “go right” or make you happy each day, there is a written long as proof good things happen all the time and will continue to happen when your mind feels blue. The goal of this blog entry is to offer readers with another coping tool to add to their belt if they choose, with this entry being your guide as to how to do it. While there are many takes on morning routines, journaling practices, vision boards, affirmations, and more, this is the practice and combination that worked well for the blog author so is being presented as an additional lifestyle routine option to readers.

               So where should one start if they want to create a "Book of Light"?

First, select a journal, notebook, paper or medium of some kind to be your writing tool. Personal preference is that this is a bound sketch or notebook of some-kind, though readers may decide they disagree and choose to get creative outside this. Some may even opt for a digital log, though part of the writing process can be the relaxation and retention benefits that come from journaling by hand. However, the best method is the method that will actually be one can maintain consistently.  The desire is that the tool be personable and useable by its selector.


               Second, the reader should pick a time of day they think they can consistently carve out ten minutes of solitude in their schedule. This does not have to happen the same time every day, as it is a flexible practice, but it will help if one tries to establish consistency for thirty days, so the routine becomes automatic.

               Third, review the three parts of the Book of Light practice, listed below.


               Part A: Gratitude – In this section, write down 3-5 things you can think of that happened the previous day that went right, were pleasant, or made you smile. This is a space to collect all the wonderful, and let the negative sift through your hands, so keep one’s eyes open to the possibility that even on the darkest days, something can be found to be grateful for. Sometimes, one might only be able to jot down that they are grateful to be able to go to bed and get a fresh start in the morning, and that is okay.

               Part B: Compassion – In this section, one should try to shift the focus off themselves. Sometimes, thinking of others and the greater picture can help ease despair and reconnect one to humanity. Select 3-5 people a day to write down a specific kind wish or blessing towards, by name. Put yourself in their shoes for a moment, hold them in your thoughts, and think of genuine kindness towards them. Name it.

               Part C: - Finally, one should think of something beautiful in the future they’d like to become or see happen. Write these things as an, “I am” statement. The goal if this isn’t to try to just “manifest” these things into your life, necessarily. It’s to keep one’s focus consistent over time, which adds up to growth, and remind one that beautiful days are always ahead to look forward to. It can also help keep one rooted to deeper moral or values, such as curating character of being imaginative, authentic, or kind, rather than something attached to a superficial value.

               As you let all the magic in your life you’re looking out for and writing down add up, slowly you’re book of positive things will grow, and one will see how even a couple sentences a day can culminate into something beautiful. Likewise, even just a couple minutes spared for a small habit a day can add up into mindset growth and health benefits from the time you’re taking to be in a meditative, relaxing state. The intentions and focus are a window into one’s priorities that can be leveraged as a tool for self-awareness. Capture your past, present, and future with the “Book of Light” and try out collecting the magic in your life today.


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